Drawn to the outdoors and the beauty of the wheat fields at harvest time, I hand gather stalks of golden grain and find myself immersed in this art form's endless energy for transformation. Whether it is through intricately woven designs or pressed marquetry,
Janet Christenot - Mixed Media Artist
I began weaving wheat in 1978 after attending a workshop at a local art center in Chester, Montana. The following day found me hand gathering wheat from nearby fields, excited to explore the possibilities!
This amazing art form has never ceased to challenge my creativity as I continue to learn and evolve as an artist.
As a member of the National association of Wheat Weavers, I've had the opportunity to teach classes at conventions throughout the U.S., as well as in schools and galleries. It has been an honor to study with and share techniques with straw masters and folk artists from Austria, England, Hungary, the Netherlands and the United States.
My work has won numerous honors and awards, and is in private and corporate collections worldwide.